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FCA Repairs at Terre Haute, Indiana

This is a Design-Build repairs at the Reserve Center buildings in Terre Haute, Indiana. This project was based on the findings and recommendations of a Facility Condition Assessment Report, ensuring targeted and effective renovations. Here’s a snapshot of our work:

  • Comprehensive Service Provision: As the contractor, we provided all necessary labor, equipment, and materials to execute the project efficiently and effectively.
  • Scope of Work: Our tasks covered a wide range of repair and upgrade works as detailed in the Facility Condition Assessment Report. This included structural repairs, system upgrades, and aesthetic improvements to various parts of the Reserve Center buildings.
  • Incidental Related Work: In addition to the main scope, we also handled incidental related tasks to ensure a comprehensive refurbishment of the facility.

The completion of the FCA repairs at the Terre Haute Reserve Center not only improves the functionality and safety of the buildings but also demonstrates our expertise in handling government and military facility projects.